Saturday, April 28, 2007

Great Meeting With Juarez Seminary

I am writing this from El Paso, Texas where I am working this week. Yesterday I participated in interviewing a prospective field team member for the Juarez field. Today Michael Williamson and I had the most amazing meeting at All Nations Seminary in Juarez.

We first attended their Wednesday Chapel and then met for several hours with the Seminary's President John Lee. Or "Juan Lee" as they call him here in Mexico. Amor is building serveral houses on the Seminary's campus for married students. It appears that we may be building them as soon as this June.

Scott and John Lee at All Nations Seminary

What's most touching about us helping the Seminary with these homes is that the school is full and they had to turn away eight applicants for the Semiary this past August. They have the class rooms and other facilities but no place to house them. Imagine that, eight willing students want to study to become ministers and missionaries and there is no room for them. I felt honored that Amor could participate in serving the needs of the Seminary by providing housing for these willing servants of Christ.

We soon discovered that we had far more in common than we ever imagined. John Lee is formerly from Los Angeles, not far from Amor's first headquarters in Gardena. Tijuana was also the start of John Lee's ministry in Mexico where he began preaching in the La Mesa, Tijuana prison in 2000. Tijuana, of course, is also where Amor started.

The most amazing connection we shared is when John Lee told us how several churches in Cancun, Mexico had already asked All Nations Seminary if they would start a seminary in Cancun. Last year John Lee visited and met with these Mexican pastors in Cancun and there were some obstacles discovered that prevented them from moving forward; not having a facility to hold the seminary was just one of these issues.

Seminary President John Lee

All Nations Seminary has numerous extension around Mexico and they are now in discussions and in prayer with us to form a partnership with Amor to develop a seminary extenstion at the proposed Cancun Christian University.

The final thing I think that is worthwhile to mention is that the All Nations Seminary is located on the paved road right next to where we turn onto a dirt road to drive to our new Juarez camp. The seminary is probably less than two miles from our camp.

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